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High Street, Epsom - footway widening contributions

Some people making comments


A person happy and a comment icon


over 3 years ago


How do you feel about this proposal?


What is your connection to the area?

• I live here

What do you think the effects of the proposal will be?

• Will increase congestion and traffic

• Will feel less safe as a pedestrian

• Harder to reach my home/business

In the future, do you see yourself walking or cycling more in the area covered by this proposal?


Would you support these changes being made permanent?


Generally speaking, do you support temporary measures to reduce traffic speeds and/or volumes to help aid social distancing and keep those taking exercise safe?


Any other comments?

most shops are shut so where is the need to accommodate more pedestrians where there are fewer

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over 3 years ago


How do you feel about this proposal?


What is your connection to the area?

• I live here

• I do my shopping here

What do you think the effects of the proposal will be?

• Will increase congestion and traffic

• Harder to reach any other destination

In the future, do you see yourself walking or cycling more in the area covered by this proposal?


Would you support these changes being made permanent?


Generally speaking, do you support temporary measures to reduce traffic speeds and/or volumes to help aid social distancing and keep those taking exercise safe?


Any other comments?

Has a significant negative impact on traffic and will not be required in a few months from now

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Mostly positive

almost 4 years ago


How do you feel about this proposal?

Mostly positive

What is your connection to the area?

• I live here

What do you think the effects of the proposal will be?

• Will feel safer as a pedestrian

• Makes it easier to social distance

• Easier to walk around here

• It's child-friendly

• Wheelchair friendly. More space for people with limited mobility who depend on walkers etc and also for pushchairs.

In the future, do you see yourself walking or cycling more in the area covered by this proposal?


Would you support these changes being made permanent?


Generally speaking, do you support temporary measures to reduce traffic speeds and/or volumes to help aid social distancing and keep those taking exercise safe?


Any other comments?

Making the changes permanent necessitates joined-up thinking with other supporting measures to reduce number of individual car journeys, improve air quality and reduce noise pollution. Consequent need to review / extend public transport provision, preferably with electric vehicles.

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almost 4 years ago


How do you feel about this proposal?


What is your connection to the area?

• I live nearby

What do you think the effects of the proposal will be?

• Will feel safer as a pedestrian

In the future, do you see yourself walking or cycling more in the area covered by this proposal?


Would you support these changes being made permanent?


Generally speaking, do you support temporary measures to reduce traffic speeds and/or volumes to help aid social distancing and keep those taking exercise safe?


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almost 4 years ago


How do you feel about this proposal?


What is your connection to the area?

• I live here

• I commute through here

• I do my shopping here

What do you think the effects of the proposal will be?

• Harder to reach my home/business

• Will feel less safe as a pedestrian

• Will increase congestion and traffic

In the future, do you see yourself walking or cycling more in the area covered by this proposal?


Would you support these changes being made permanent?


Generally speaking, do you support temporary measures to reduce traffic speeds and/or volumes to help aid social distancing and keep those taking exercise safe?


Any other comments?

Leave Epsom alone! The market place development took years and destroyed businesses. This proposal will just be another nail in the coffin of a dying town. There is plenty of pedestrian space and very little space for cars.

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