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Esher Road/Hersham By-Pass, Hersham - Cycle route


Esher Road/Hersham By-Pass, Hersham - Cycle route

Description of proposal

Between Hersham and Esher, we are proposing to remove one lane to provide improved cycle lanes and also pedestrian crossing opportunities.

The objective of the scheme is to improve the environment of the road for pedestrians and cyclists, and encourage increased active travel. The carriageway will be reduced to one lane in each direction for motor vehicles, with the existing inside lane used to provide a wider cycle lane, with separation between cyclists and passing vehicles. The scheme also includes new pedestrian crossing points.

How to have your say?

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Map showing extent of works

Additional materials

Document image preview
Esher Road/Hersham Bypass - Crossing Detail
Document image preview
Esher Road/Hersham Bypass - detailed drawing of western side
Document image preview
Esher Road/Hersham Bypass - detailed drawing of eastern side

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