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Town Lane- Stanwell - widen footway for a shared use path (permanent plans)


Town Lane- Stanwell - widen footway for a shared use path (permanent plans)

What is happening?

The Department for Transport (DfT) announced a £250m emergency funding package to support active travel. Whilst initial temporary measures are being implemented (phase 1), we are now looking ahead to larger scale works which permanently support active travel and enable a bold step change in Surrey for active travel.

Surrey have submitted a bid for a possible £6.75m in this second phase of works.

Have your say

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About this proposal

Location : The Town Lane proposals comprises the length of Town Lane between Bulldog junction to the south and its junction Park Road to the north. This section connects residential catchment areas, in Ashford and Stanwell, with a number of major trip attractors including Ashford Hospital, Tesco Superstore and the Heathrow terminal complex.

Measure/s to be introduce d: We plan to upgrade the existing footway on Town Lane to a segregate footway level cycle facility. The proposal also includes widening of the existing footway by Ashford Hospital.

In addition to the shared path, bus corridor improvements will be made including Ashford Hospital/ Tesco bus stops.

The image below shows the plans in detail. A copy of this can also be downloaded in the 'Additional Materials'.

Map showing extent of works

Additional materials

Document image preview
Concept Plans for Active Travel schemes (permanent plans)

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